Μετά τον έλεγχο ακολουθεί μια συνοπτική ανάλυση των αποτελεσμάτων, συμβουλές και προτάσεις.
0-3 | 3-6 | 6-9 | 9-12 |
12-18 (1,6 μηνών) | 18-24 (2 χρονών) | 24-30 (2, 6 μηνών) | 30-36 (3 χρονών) |
36-42 (3, 6 μηνών) | 42-48 (4 χρονών) | 48-54 (4, 6 μηνών) |
54-60 (5 χρονών) | 60-72 (6 χρονών) | 72-84 ( 7 χρονών) |
- Allen, K.E., Marotz, L. (1989). Developmental profiles. Albany, NY: Delmar.
- Dunst, C.J. A clinical and educational manual for use with the Uzgiris and Hunt.
- Scales of InfantPsychological Development, Austin TX: PRO-ED.
- Dukes, M.K.(1980). Developmental assessment for the severely handicapped. Austin, TX: PRO-ED.
- Gard, A.,Gilman, L., & Gorman, J. (1983). Speech language development chart( 2nd ed). Austin, TX: PRO-ED.
- Johnson- Martin, N.Jens, K.G., & Attermeier, S.M( 1986). The Carolina curriculum for hand icapped infants amd infants at risc. Baltimore: Brookes
- Venn, J.J., Serwatka, T.S., & Anthony, R.A (1980). Scale of social development.
- Tulsa, OK: Modern Education Comporation.
Δωρεάν Προληπτικός Έλεγχος
Μετά τον έλεγχο ακολουθεί μια συνοπτική ανάλυση των αποτελεσμάτων, συμβουλές και προτάσεις.
0-3 | 3-6 | 6-9 | 9-12 |
12-18 (1,6 μηνών) | 18-24 (2 χρονών) | 24-30 (2, 6 μηνών) | 30-36 (3 χρονών) |
36-42 (3, 6 μηνών) | 42-48 (4 χρονών) | 48-54 (4, 6 μηνών) |
54-60 (5 χρονών) | 60-72 (6 χρονών) | 72-84 ( 7 χρονών) |
- Allen, K.E., Marotz, L. (1989). Developmental profiles. Albany, NY: Delmar.
- Dunst, C.J. A clinical and educational manual for use with the Uzgiris and Hunt.
- Scales of InfantPsychological Development, Austin TX: PRO-ED.
- Dukes, M.K.(1980). Developmental assessment for the severely handicapped. Austin, TX: PRO-ED.
- Gard, A.,Gilman, L., & Gorman, J. (1983). Speech language development chart( 2nd ed). Austin, TX: PRO-ED.
- Johnson- Martin, N.Jens, K.G., & Attermeier, S.M( 1986). The Carolina curriculum for hand icapped infants amd infants at risc. Baltimore: Brookes
- Venn, J.J., Serwatka, T.S., & Anthony, R.A (1980). Scale of social development.
- Tulsa, OK: Modern Education Comporation.